MEDITATIONS FOR WEDNESDAY...(go through pictures one by one...)
Lovingly bring in warm solar light to your heart CHAKRA #4: ~ GREEN with pink
~These Teachings - these deeply healing DAILY MEDITATIONS, are respectfully and lovingly taken from: The Teachings of the Essenes - from Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; found in "about" and in "The Teachings" at the STAR page.
The MEANING of: The NOON Meditation: PEACE with the FAMILY
The MEANING of: The NOON Meditation: PEACE with the FAMILY

The natural function of the feeling body is to express LOVE. He has been given the Law that he should love his Creator with all his thinking, feeling and acting bodies. Life in all is spheres, aspects and manifestations is the demonstration of creative love.
Man's first deviation from the Law through the feeling body starts the long chain of deviations which cause all human inharmony (disharmony) and suffering on earth.
The Essenes showed that the feeling body can be the most powerful instrument for the production of health, vitality and happiness, and that through its right functioning in expressing love, man can create the kingdom of heaven in and around himself and the whole human family. The Essene PEACE WITH THE FAMILY is the Great Law in its expression of men's love toward one another, a law revealed to little children but often hidden from the minds of men.
"Angel of Sun, enter my Solar Center and give the fire of life to my whole body."
NOON: Be at PEACE with: your Family (this includes your close friends and associates).
"Creator - Father in Heaven, send to ALL your Angel of Peace; to our family and Friends, the Angel of LOVE.
"Creator - Father in Heaven, send to ALL your Angel of Peace; to our family and Friends, the Angel of LOVE.
EVENING: Rest in the Angelic realm of Love and reflect on the Acts of LIFE.
"Angel of Love, descend upon my emotional body and purify all my feelings."
"Angel of Love, descend upon my emotional body and purify all my feelings."
I offer this song for you to play as you dwell on the green heart mandala and as you view these pictures. It is in the key of Dminor and Bminor, keys that resonate with the heart's tone note of F.
Please visit Sacred Terra Angel Religion on Facebook for all of the daily meditations and THE TEACHINGS.
Bless you and keep you well,